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Beyond baseline A+ content, Amazon offers upgraded Premium A+ modules providing sellers significantly expanded capabilities for showcasing products more compellingly. With unique layouts and functions aimed at richer engagement, these tools help for the optimization of Amazon seller sales page while converting browsers into buyers at higher rates.

Let’s explore some of the most impactful Premium A+ content features now accessible to eligible third-party sellers and how they can be leveraged to capture attention and drive more sales.

Amazon Premium A+ Features for Sales Page Optimization

Amazon Sales Page Optimization With Premium A+ 

Here are some of the most impactful Amazon Premium A+ content features for sales page optimization:

Comparison Tables

One major limitation with Standard A+ is restrictive widths that fail to take full advantage of desktop screen real estate. On the other hand, Premium A+ comparison tables span far wider, allowing you to pack more helpful information into a single organized glanceable view. This is useful for easily contrasting specs, attributes and benefits across products.

Premium Imagery Capabilities

Imagery proves paramount for making resonant first impressions and conveying product value on Amazon. Yet constrained dimensions within standard A+ content restrict visual storytelling scope. Premium A+ finally unlocks the floodgates for sellers to immerse shoppers within listings via greatly expanded imagery flexibility and real estate. Consider the following stats:

  • Listings with a hero banner image boast conversion rates 45% higher on average
  • 60% of shoppers cite imagery as heavily influencing purchase decisions
  • Pages with multiple product images convert at 52% higher rates

Premium A+ Content offers the advantage of uploading full-width 1600 pixel hero banners, allowing brands to make visually impactful introductions at the top of their product listings. This visually commanding feature captures shoppers’ attention within seconds of visiting the page, leading to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

Image Carousels

Standard A+ content only permits displaying a handful of images before running out of module real estate. Yet singular product shots fail to showcase the diversity of colors, configurations, applications and contexts shoppers want to inform decisions.

Enter Premium A+ image carousels. These finally enable easily condensing multiple relevant visuals into compact horizontally swipeable all-in-one components. 

Some key benefits include:

  • Display complementary colors/styles so shoppers can select
  • Demonstrate product paired with common accessories
  • Show Step-by-step application or assembly sequences
  • Spotlight products in real world settings

With carousels, Amazon listings can now exhibit the fuller visual range that conversion data has long revealed matters:

  • 39% of shoppers want to view 3+ photos before considering purchases
  • Product pages with 5+ images convert at 65%+ higher rates

So, by utilizing Premium A+ image carousels, sellers can significantly enhance the shopping experience for potential buyers. These carousels allow sellers to showcase the most important and commonly sought-after visuals that shoppers look for when evaluating products. With a slideable and easily consumable format, sellers can consolidate key visuals into these carousels, providing shoppers with the exact views they need to make informed purchase decisions.

Hot Spot Callouts

Hot Spot Callouts are interactive modules in Amazon’s premium A+ Content that allow you to add informational hot spots on top of product images. When shoppers hover over these hot spots on a desktop, additional insights are revealed through overlay pop-ups. This feature is great for providing more detailed explanations of specific parts, components, or features without cluttering the display space. It creates an engaging and interactive experience, allowing shoppers to explore areas of interest on their own.

Q&A Expandability

Standard A+ content often lacks sufficient space to comprehensively answer customer queries. The Q&A Expandability feature in Premium A+ Content provides a dedicated space for sellers to address common product FAQs within their Amazon listings. By utilizing the Q&A component, sellers can provide detailed answers to the top questions related to purchase keywords, offering triple value. 

Firstly, this helps educate shoppers by addressing their specific informational needs, thereby influencing brand perceptions and fulfilling user intent queries. Research shows that more than 65% of consumers conduct online product research before stepping foot in a store, amplifying the need for retailers to optimize digital experiences.

Secondly, thoughtful responses to questions allow sellers to highlight the advantages and capabilities of their products. For example, questions about recurring costs provide an opportunity to emphasize subscription savings or low ownership burdens.

Lastly, comprehensive answers naturally incorporate relevant keywords into the listing copy, which improves visibility to search engines. Listings that directly address user questions in the Title, Description, and A+ Content experience an average conversion lift of 19%. By providing clear and concise information that answers user questions, sellers can improve product listings and increase sales.

Video Asset Flexibility

Premium A+ Content introduces enhanced video integration options, addressing the need for increased flexibility on Amazon. The video carousel module allows sellers to showcase multiple videos in a compact format, ideal for presenting portfolios. The dedicated video + text module combines visual demonstrations with descriptive copy, creating a captivating experience. 

Additionally, sellers can utilize full-width hero videos to instantly showcase their brands through engaging motion. With these features, sellers can leverage the power of video to make a strong impact on sales.

Premium Content Width & Ownership

Premium A+ Content provides sellers with a substantial increase in listing real estate, offering over 1600 pixels wide on desktop compared to the limited width of basic modules. This expanded width allows sellers to make a stronger impact and creatively express their brand across different devices. 

Moreover, the enhanced customization options enable sellers to have greater control over the layout, shapes, colors, and content approaches, ensuring that their products are showcased in a visually appealing and aligned manner. With premium content, sellers can maximize their brand presence and effectively engage with customers in a unique and customized way.

Choose Premium to Unlock Amazon’s Maximum A+ Potential

Through multi-faceted features expanding engagement, educational and interactive opportunities beyond static images and text, Premium A+ materializes sellers’ fuller ambitions for skillfully positioned Amazon content.

The tools free you to tell compelling shopping stories aligned with how modern consumers actually research purchases. Leverage augmented layouts, media and functionality only the premium tier unlocks to create stickier listings that convert at higher rates. Then watch your Amazon sales page successes and optimization ascend to that next level.

If currently still limited to standard A+ capabilities, check eligibility requirements for Premium status within Seller Central then submit the request. Access opens up game changing content flexibility letting creativity run wild across the additional canvases now within reach.

We also sincerely hope that the insights shared in this blog have provided you with valuable knowledge and inspiration to take your business to the next level. If you need more help scaling your Amazon business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Evolve Media Agency. We’re here to help you boost your conversion rates and ramp up your Amazon sales. Check out our pricing portfolio and get a free listing audit by visiting Also, remember to grab your free Amazon listing checklist at, our team is here to help.