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Are you an Amazon seller looking to connect with your Amazon customers via email marketing? Then keep reading. In this blog post, we outline a step-by-step approach to getting started. You will also learn how to get your Amazon customers‘ email addresses, how best to go about emailing them, and what to offer.

If you’ve just chanced on my blog, my name is Ian Smith, with Evolve Media Agency.

What We Do At Evolve Media Agency

We help Amazon sellers optimize their Amazon listings with photos, videos, copywriting and get their listings converting as high as possible. We do product photoshoots, video shoots, and overall marketing both on and off Amazon; running Email Marketing and Google Ad campaigns. We can also get your Amazon data and Instagram user data, and then market directly to potential customers.

If you want to book a free consulting call with us, then head over to And if you want to optimize your Amazon listing on your own, we’ve got a great Amazon listing checklist for you at We broke down all the different sections on an Amazon listing page and created different sales strategies for each. You can check off as you implement the different sales strategies.

The Benefits of Emailing Your Amazon Customers

There are numerous benefits to emailing your Amazon customers. Email marketing grants you the opportunity to market directly to your customers. The cost of email marketing campaigns compared to your ROI makes email marketing one of the best approaches to reaching out to your Amazon customers. Here are three benefits of email marketing to an Amazon Seller.

1. Increase in Quality and Quantity of Product Reviews

Email marketing allows you to ask for reviews. Customers who buy your product may forget to leave you a review. You can ask your customers for a positive review or write your wrongs where they left a negative review. Emailing your customers also helps improve the quality of your product reviews; you can convince your customers to click on the ‘helpful’ button on your top product reviews. This approach pushes your positive product reviews to the top of your Amazon reviews section and eventually removes your negatives from sight. Create a unique URL that includes all your top product reviews, and attach this URL to your email marketing campaigns to make it easier for your Amazon customers to find your top product reviews. Getting your positive product reviews to appear first in your review list increases your conversion rate.

2. You Can Get Them to Join Your Product Testing Club

Emailing your Amazon customers helps present your Product Testing Group to your customers. A Product Testing Group or a Focus Group is an avenue to collect feedback on a product before launch. Feedback from Focus Groups is essential to successfully launching an Amazon product. Focus Groups are also an avenue to collect reviews on your product. If you’re an Amazon seller selling consumable products, focus groups are a great way to get customers hooked on your product.

3. You Can Run a Giveaway Directly to Your Customers

Email marketing allows you to run all sorts of raffles or giveaways to either collect reviews or increase your mailing list. For example, for your customers to enter a raffle, they need to take a picture or video of themselves holding up your product. You can allocate points for each entry to incentivize your customers. This is also an innovative approach to generating tons of social proof. You can use these videos or images on your landing page or upload them in the video slider section of your listings. However, the best I recommend is including these videos on a landing page and driving external traffic to it. This approach helps you bring more external traffic to your listings which is good for your ranking. It also helps build your email list through email popup forms on the landing page.

How to Get Your Amazon Customers’ Email Addresses

There are two approaches to getting your Amazon customers’ email addresses. You can either do this through landing pages, as discussed earlier, or through a service provider like us.

1. Using a Landing Page

One way to get your Amazon customers’ email addresses is by driving them to a landing page and collecting their email addresses through email popup forms. You can also use email captures to incentivize them to give you their email address. For example, you could offer a free product or a coupon that requires your customers to enter their email addresses before access. You can then follow up with them through their emails with different marketing strategies that we’ll talk about soon.

2. Using a Service Provider

The second and easier way to do it is to use our Amazon Customer Data Download service. This method is also the cheaper approach. We can help you export your Amazon Customer Data over the past three (3) to four (4) months. We can use the customer names and mailing addresses to find the email addresses of the data we scrape. Once you have these email addresses, you can begin marketing to them. This method of emailing your customers is what’s known as cold emailing. Book a free consulting call with us to get started on getting your Amazon customers’ email addresses.

How to Best Email Market to Your Customers

Now that you have your Amazon customers’ email addresses, it’s time to market your product to them. Here are some of the best email marketing techniques.

1. Warm-up Your Cold Emails (Using Lemlist & Lemwarm)

If you’re using the cold email marketing technique, here are some recommendations. First, it is essential to warm up your cold emails to prevent your emails from landing inside the junk folders. The platform I recommend to go about this is Lemlist. Lemlist is an email marketing platform specifically designed for cold email marketing. On their platform, you’ll also find a tool called Lemwarm.

Lemwarm is a network of automated email inboxes that monitors the inbox of your email list. Whenever an email lands in a spam or junk folder, it’s taken out from there, marked as Important, and placed in the inbox folder. This procedure naturally trains the AI systems in widely used email clients like Google, Yahoo, and Outlook to recognize emails from your domain as Important. Lemwarm is a valuable resource for boosting your deliverability rate.

Cold email marketers must also create and use pseudo names and domains not associated with their brand. This approach is helpful whenever things don’t go smoothly. You can buy a domain from Google workspace for this purpose. Start small when you’re getting started; email just about 100 to 150 customers a day. This range is also around the daily threshold for Lemlist. If you’re an Amazon seller with thousands of email addresses, you can integrate Lemwarm into a different email marketing service like Klaviyo and market from there.

2. Give Out Coupons and Free Products

The second approach to email marketing to your Amazon customers is through coupons and free products. Your listings will perform better if you are offering discounts to your customers. Coupons and Free Products improve your email open rate incredibly. Use coupons instead of promo codes as they perform better on Amazon. Where you can, offer a free product in your email marketing and request a product review in return. You can also set up focus groups with free products, especially when launching a new product. We discussed the benefits of this earlier.

3. Lead with Content

If you are email marketing to your customers regularly, you need to give them value. Without this, your customers are likely to unsubscribe or block your emails. Provide valuable and helpful information in your email marketing campaigns. For example, Amazon sellers selling skincare products can share tips on reverse aging or how to remove wrinkles. Give out tips and advice that can help them accomplish their goals without it all relating to them just buying your product. Be helpful to them. Use clickbait subject lines that are also value-leading. This approach also increases your email open rate and click-through rate.

Optimizing Your Email Marketing Strategy

As you should know by now, email marketing strategies are the most efficient approach to marketing to your Amazon customers. In this blog post, we covered the benefits of email marketing. Then we looked at how to collect your Amazon customers’ email addresses and how best to market to them.

In summary:

  • Slow roll things when you begin your email marketing strategy.
  • Warm-up your email list when using cold email marketing campaign strategies.
  • Use landing pages to collect and grow customer email addresses.
  • Provide valuable content in email marketing campaigns.
  • Use coupons and offers like Black Friday Deals to increase conversion rates.
  • Be helpful and not salesy in email marketing campaigns.

Thank you for reading. Hopefully, you got value from this blog post. If you need help with your regular email marketing or anything else, my team and I would love to help you. Book a free consulting call with us at